Millennials turn to meditation, online prayer to beat stress
Live MintAfter putting her two toddlers to sleep, Shweta Khandelwal, 33, spends an hour every night with meditation app Calm to manage the anxiety she feels about a rapidly-spreading virus that’s infected more than 3 million people worldwide. “I couldn’t sleep during the first week of the lockdown because I kept worrying about my kids,” says Khandelwal, who quit her career in jewellery design five years ago to care for her children. “In music, we have seen a surge in ‘chill’ playlists for calm inspiration from instrumental and acoustic tracks, as well as nature sounds and meditation playlists,” he says. “If someone told me I’d be hosting virtual iftars in 2020, I would have laughed,” says Noor, who started the online evening gatherings five days ago. “We pray, eat, talk, it’s all fun and feels good,” says Noor, who made noodles and chicken last evening.